
Rapid Hydration. Better Life.

Beat fatigue, sharpen your mind and perform better. Liva is a sugar-free electrolyte drink that hydrates you better than water alone.


Thirsty & Drained?

Headaches, fatigue, poor focus, no energy, bad breath, or dry skin? These may be signs you are not getting enough water and electrolytes.

Goodbye Fatigue

Liva reduces tiredness, supports muscles, keeps you focused and speeds up hangover recovery. So you can go the extra mile.

Better Than Water Alone

Mindblowing taste, zero sugar and 3x more electrolytes than the leading sports drink. Discover our ACTC™ hydration formula.

Isn't Water Enough?

Did you know you lose up to 3 litres of water a day? And this number goes up with exercise, desk work, stress, heat, flying, air-conditioning or even alcohol. Besides water, you also lose electrolytes. These are crucial for creating energy and keeping your body and brain running smoothly. That's where Liva comes in.


Podložené vedou

Vytvorili sme dokonalý nápoj s elektrolytmi. Podložený vedou, s osviežujúcou chuťou a vyváženým pomerom sodíka, draslíka a magnézia pre optimálnu hydratáciu tvojho tela.


V každej situácii

Práca a pozornosť

Hydratácia a elektrolyty sú základom pre fungovanie tvojho mozgu a sústredenie sa pri práci. Liva znižuje únavu, zlepšuje tvoju pozornosť a podporuje tvorbu energie.

Pri cvičení

Dokonalý tréningový drink. Fyzickou aktivitou strácaš vodu a množstvo minerálov, ktoré je potrebné doplniť. Elektrolyty sú tiež nutné pre správne fungovanie tvojich svalov.

Ráno aj cez deň

Liva nakopne tvoje ráno (budíme sa dehydrovaní), pomôže poraziť poobedný útlm a dodá ti optimálnu hydratáciu počas celého dňa, kdekoľvek a kedykoľvek to potrebuješ.

Záchrana pri cestovaní

Nízky tlak a klimatizovaný suchý vzduch v lietadle ťa dehydrujú a spôsobujú únavu a bolesti hlavy. Optimálna hydratácia je tiež kľúčom k udržaniu pozornosti pri šoférovaní.

Párty a alkohol

Alkohol ťa výrazne dehydruje a zbavuje elektrolytov. Liva ti pomôže urýchliť ranné zotavenie a zmierniť bolesti hlavy. Poslúži tiež ako chutný nealkoholický party drink.

Teplo a sauna

Či už ide o horúce počasie alebo pobyt v saune, teplo a potenie spôsobujú veľkú stratu vody a elektrolytov. Pre optimálne fungovanie tvojho tela je nutné ich dopĺňanie.

We spent thousands of hours formulating and testing LIVA to be your ideal hydration companion. The result is a truly impactful blend of electrolytes in a science-backed ratio, with everything you need and nothing you don't.

—  Tom Simko, Founder

Which one is for you?


Customer favourite! Enjoy clean electrolytes and refreshing flavours for optimal hydration. Helps you perform better, stay alert, and fight tiredness.

Hydration + Gut

Our signature electrolyte blend plus 12 gut-health ingredients. Stay hydrated and support your gut and digestion with this functional, great-tasting formula.

Loved by everyone

Janka, Fitness coach

I drink lots of water, from training to parenting. Yet, I often faced fatigue and a foggy mind. After I tried Liva, I realised it was dehydration and a lack of electrolytes. It was a game-changer.

Lubos, Entrepreneur

Liva sits on my desk 24/7. I feel more alert and have much better mental clarity. I also have a few Liva emergency sachets in my car! Favourite flavour? Lemon!

Veronika, Production manager

Thanks to Liva, I understood the importance of electrolytes and hydration. I drink Liva first thing in the morning before my kids wake up. I feel a huge positive impact on my stamina.

Martin, Consultant

I spend a lot of time working and cycling. Liva keeps my hydration in check, and I feel better doing more. There is a big difference in my days with and without it. I highly recommend it!